Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Achievement "Jungle"

The Jungle Save File. This file allows you to unlock the Jungle achievement. The "Jungle" achievement ends all performances and the launch of the NCPD scanner in Santo Domingo. Installation: 1 Download the “Jungle” file and extract it to your cybe ...
Samurai logo as desktop icon

Samurai Logo as Icon for Cyberpunk 2077. This is a Samurai logo file in .ico format that can be replaced with an icon. Instructions: 1. Download this file and extract it wherever you want. 2. Right-click the Cyberpunk 2077 shortcut. 3. Go to Prop ...
Johnny Silverhand desktop icon

Game Johnny Silverhand - Keanu Reeves ICON. Now you can click on Johnny Silverhand/Keanu Reeves himself to start your new favorite game and spread some liberating anarchy in this corporation. Capitalist dystopia! How to install: 1) Easy, first dow ...
Samurai desktop icons

Samurai logo as icons. I find the default CP77 icons really boring. So I tried replacing it with the Samurai logo. The images I used are from Google images, so unfortunately I don't know who to name. Made in GIMP.
Set of desktop icons

Cyberpunk 2077 logo icons pack. I didn't like that the icon for the game was the default V image instead of what they use in the launcher, so I turned it into an icon and added some other options, also comes with png versions if you want to edit them ...
Judy desktop icon

Judy Desktop Icon. Replace the cyberpunk icon with the Judy icon. Installation: 1) Upload the file 2) Extract the file 3) Right-click the desktop shortcut and select Properties 4) Select "Change Icon" -> "Browse" 5) Find and select the .ico file y ...
Romance with Judy

Romanceable Judy for male V. This mod allows you to become romantically involved with Judy. How to use: 1) Install this mod: Cyber Engine Tweaks 2) Copy the unpacked judy.lua file to the game folder along the path: Cyberpunk 2077 / bin / x64 ...
Disable intro

No Intro Videos. Disables introductory videos so you can start the game from the main menu. Installation: Unpack the archive into the game installation directory. It is also recommended to run the game with -skipStartScreen so you can skip the Vio ...
Round icon for game

Cyberpunk Ciri icon (round). This is a round icon that you can set as a shortcut to launch the game from your desktop.
List of console commands

Console Item List. List of item codes used in the Shell. These are basically all the item strings in the game, however if any of them do not follow the standard string format I will add them as I find them. A rule of thumb is to use preset options fo ...
HD Icon Set

Cyberpunk 2077 - High Quality Icons and Tiles. This is a high quality game icon pack that contains 3 handcrafted game icons. Icons come in 256 pixels and also 512 pixels.
Desktop icon

Custom High Quality Cyberpunk 2077 Desktop Icon. Replaces the terrible original icon with a high quality custom icon. Installation: 1. Download the mod and extract the .ico file. 2. Place the file somewhere where it will not be moved (eg: Cyberpu ...
AVX fix for GOG

1.04 AVX Fix for GOG. This mod fixes the game crashing on processors that do not support AVX. To install, paste the file into the Cyberpunk2077/bin/x64 folder and replace the .exe file.
AVX Bypass

AVX Bypass. A simple Cyberpunk Client hex edit to bypass AVX instruction checking, which causes a crash on some machines. This change allows the game to run on older processors (pre-2011) that lack vector extensions. [The actual change is to replace ...
Disabling AVX and SSE4.2 processes

AVX_SSEfix. This is an emulation that ignores AVX and SSE4.2 processor instructions. There may be a decrease in FPS. Installation - make a backup copy of the replaced files, copy the files from the archive to the game folder. In the properties of sd ...