Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
CP77 Tools - modding tool

CP77 Tools. Modding tools for the game Cyberpunk 2077. To work you will need NET 5.0. The tools require oo2ext_7_win64.dll. Copy and paste the dll into the cp77Tools folder at this path Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/oo2ext_7_win64.dll. Features of versi ...
Jared Leto and young Keanu Reeves

Jared Leto and Young Keanu Reeves preset settings. These are head customizations that the author came up with to create a character similar to Keanu and Jared. Young Keanu Reeves Hair: 1 (default) Eyes: 1 or 2, depending on facial expressions, b ...
Improved graphics

GRAViTAS ReShade - Cyberpunk 2077 Enhanced. These ReShade presets are designed to improve the visuals of Cyberpunk 2077. The focus is on sharper graphics and deeper contrast. Installation: 1. Install Reshade 4.8.2 3. Unpack the downloaded archive ...
Photorealistic colors

Photorealistic Reshade. This mod improves: colors, shadows, tone mapping and sharpness. No extra settings, just improves already excellent graphics.
Balanced colors

Pulse's Perception. Balanced color change preset. The increase in contrast is compensated for by natural color without increasing whiteness or graininess. Recommended settings: - Leave gamma correction as default. - Disable film grain. - Turn of ...
True HDR

Cyberpunk Autonomous ReShade - True HDR. This ReShade attempts to emulate the "True HDR" technique that first appeared in Unreal Engine 4 games and later in the ENB series. This is a software method and not "Real HDR" intended for HDR monitors. There ...
Game shortcut in HD

High Quality Shortcut Icons. This is a higher quality shortcut (based on the Steam version) that fixes the original blurry shortcut. Don't change the icon file location because the shortcut uses it all the time. If you change it, it will revert to th ...
Debug Console

Debug Console Enabler. Includes a debug console in Cyberpunk 2077 - change money using commands or enable a free camera. The basic method to start with is to navigate to the game installation bin folder, then to the config folder, and then to the b ...
Color grading based on classic films

V_FX. LUT-based color grading package based on classic cyberpunk films including Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell and The Matrix. Installation: 1. Download ReShade and install it on Cyberpunk 2077 using the convenient ReShade installer. - Duri ...