Seamless Co-op

  • Dark Souls 3 — Seamless Co-op
  • Dark Souls 3 — Seamless Co-op
  • Dark Souls 3 — Seamless Co-op
    Archive password: vgtimes
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Author: Yui
Size: 1.22 MB
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Date: February 25, 2025, 12:35 PM
Downloads: 34

This mod allows you to play with friends throughout the entire game without restrictions. Theoretically, this allows you to complete the game from the tutorial to the final boss entirely in one cooperative session.

  • If a player dies, they respawn in the same world at the last bonfire they rested at. The session is not interrupted;
  • Defeating bosses and clearing areas no longer sends you "home";
  • All fog walls/barriers that typically restrict the multiplayer zone are removed;
  • All NPC dialogues and conversation events will be synchronized;
  • When one player rests at a bonfire, the world state resets for all players;
  • Game progress events completed in online play will also advance the game in your own world;
  • You can play with 5 other players in the open world;
  • An overhaul of the peer-to-peer connection system in Dark Souls 3, using the new Steam API network;
  • The simplified connection system means that participants can join the host from anywhere in the world. So even if you disconnect, you can quickly reconnect and continue where you left off.

This mod certainly makes the game much easier. To try to compensate for this and maintain the game's difficulty, mechanics have been introduced in addition to increasing enemy health in the base game, as is usually the case with an increased number of phantoms:

  • You can adjust the scaling at your discretion;
  • If one player sits at a bonfire while others are in boss rooms, those players will be removed from the boss rooms;
  • Dying during a boss fight or invasion will send the character to limbo, where they will observe other players until all party members are defeated or until one player rests at a bonfire.


  • If enabled in the ini file (allow_invaders = 1), other players will be able to join the session as a dark spirit and attempt to kill the player and their team;
  • During an active invasion, you cannot teleport or use bonfires to rest until you defeat the invader and banish them back to their world;
  • If you want to invade another player, you need to use the "pin" item.

Can you get banned?

No. The mod prevents connection to FromSoftware matchmaking servers and uses save files different from the unmodded game. There is no way to get banned using this mod unless you modify it to connect to players in the original version. Since this mod introduces new items not present in the base game, it uses a different save file, unlike the usual sl2 extension. This means you won't be able to access your Seamless Coop save files in the base game and vice versa. You don't need to return the mod's save files back to the regular save files, as this will likely result in a ban.

How to run:

  1. Download the mod;
  2. Unpack the downloaded package and move the following files to the Dark Souls 3 folder (usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game);
  3. Edit ds3sc_settings.ini to set your chosen coop password;
  4. Run the mod using ds3sc_launcher.exe.

How to use:

  1. Be logged into Steam and not in offline mode;
  2. Items required for playing in Seamless Co-op mode will be added to your inventory when you rest at a bonfire;
  3. You and your party members must use the same version of the mod and the game to play with each other;
  4. It is recommended to use a secure password for the session. If a player knows the cooperative session password, they can join immediately. The mod exclusively uses the Steam matchmaking interface to interact with other players in multiplayer mode. Note that you must set a password for hosting and joining sessions;
  5. One player must be the host, and the other players must join. Everyone must have the same password as the person (or people) you are playing with (specified in the ds3sc_settings.ini file).


Seamlesscoop\locale not found which has no fallback

  • You need a locale folder in the Game/SeamlessCoop directory. Check the mod description page for installation instructions and try again.

Failed, Steam timed out.

  • This is not related to the mod — there is simply no connection to Steam. Servers go down for maintenance every Tuesday. The mod cannot fix a bad internet connection.


Q) Does it work for cracked/pirated versions of the game?

A) No.

Q) Isn't this just an easy mode?

A) Not necessarily. While playing in co-op does make the game objectively easier, it's also a completely different way to play. There are plenty of "easy mode" mods that simply give more health/damage. This mod will be easier, but it's designed for those who want to experience the entire game with friends. It's designed with fun in mind, not reducing difficulty.

Q) Will updating the mod affect my current playthrough with it?

A) No.

Q) Can I earn Steam achievements using this mod?

A) Yes.

Useful links:

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