Guides and tutorials for Days Gone
Players often find it difficult to understand how to create a certain item and where to find the necessary resources in the game. This section usually contains a complete walkthrough, tips for beginners on how to get through difficult levels and quests. Here you can find guides for Days Gone that will help you find all the collectible items; explain how to kill all the bosses and complete the game 100%, collecting all the achievements. Days Gone lagging, not launching, or crashing? Perhaps, here you'll find a solution to technical problems that will help eliminate glitches, crashes, and bugs.

Where to Find All Ambush Camps in Days Gone: Camp Location Maps
Ambush camps in Days Gone are an important part of the open world. Essentially, they are the familiar towers that reveal the map and points of interest. However, the developers diversified the capture process, so in each camp, you will encounter a large number of enemies, defeating whom may not be so simple. In this guide, we will tell you about the locations of all the camps and the rewards you will receive for clearing them.
May 8, 2024