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63 trophies for Death Stranding (PS4) / Page 2 (trophies 51 — 63)

Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
A Helping Hand
Issue your first supply request.
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
The Automation Revolution
Complete a standard order with a delivery bot.
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Apprentice Builder
Complete your first structure (signs, ladders, and climbing anchors also count.)
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Master Builder
Complete at least one of every type of structure (including signs, ladders, and climbing anchors.)
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
A New Day for the UCA
Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA.
Secret achievement
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Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
In Sam We Trust
Connect all facilities to the UCA.
Secret achievement
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Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Well Connected
Reach connection level three with a facility.
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Like and Be Liked
Give your first Like.
Secret achievement
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Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
The People's Porter
Reach a total of 2,400 Likes on the Results Screen.
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Thanks for Everything
Complete Episode 14: Lou.
Secret achievement
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Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Best Beloved
Reach the maximum connection level with all facilities.
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Growth of a Legend
Complete at least 20 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of "Legend of Legends."
Trophy {trophy} in the game Death Stranding for PS4
Greatest of Great Deliverers
Obtained all Death Stranding trophies.