Death Stranding
Death Stranding is an auteur game by Hideo Kojima, a realistic walking and logistics simulator with elements of action, survival, and stealth, viewed from a... Read more
63 achievements for Death Stranding (Steam) / Page 2 (achievements 51 — 63)

Birth of a Legend
Complete at least 10 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of "Legend," "Legend of Legends," or "Legend of Legends of Legends."

Growth of a Legend
Complete at least 20 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of "Legend of Legends" or "Legend of Legends of Legends."

A Helping Hand
Issue your first supply request.

The Automation Revolution
Complete a standard order with a delivery bot.

Apprentice Builder
Complete your first structure (signs, ladders, and climbing anchors also count).

Master Builder
Complete at least one of every type of structure (including signs, ladders, and climbing anchors.)

A New Day for the UCA
Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA.
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it

In Sam We Trust
Connect all facilities to the UCA.
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it

Well Connected
Reach connection level three with a facility.

Best Beloved
Reach the maximum connection level with all facilities.
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it

Like and Be Liked
Give your first Like.
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it

The People's Porter
Reach a total of 2,400 Likes on the Results Screen.
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it

Homo Faber
Fabricate all available weapons and equipment.