Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis is an action game with a third-person view. A special forces group lands on the small tropical island of Ibis with the task of finding and delivering... Read more
Dino Crisis is an action game with a third-person view. A special forces group lands on the small tropical island of Ibis with the task of finding and delivering Dr. Kirk, a talented scientist in the field of high-energy physics. However, as a result of his experiments with the so-called. "third energy" a time shift occurred, as a result of which ancient lizards — dinosaurs — penetrated the island. Thus, a completely ordinary task smoothly turns into a battle for survival.
Reviews and ratings
A good clone of the classic Resident, which, unfortunately, can no longer be played normally. And the game wasn’t particularly noisy at release.
Instead of slobbering zombies, there are dinosaurs.
Now we can only hope that the game will someday receive a remake or a sudden spiritual legacy.
Хороший клон классического Резидента, в который сейчас, к сожалению, уже нельзя нормально поиграть. Да и на релизе игра прошла не особо шумно.
Вместо слюнявых зомби тут динозавры.
Сейчас мы можем лишь надеяться на то, что игра когда-нибудь получит ремейк или внезапное духовное наследие.