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Table for Cheat Engine [1.93d]
tablica-dlja-cheat-engine-1-93d_1679570585_879289.zipDownload 8.92 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Functions and commands:
- unimited Stamina — endless endurance;
- unlimited nitro in Flight — endless nitro in flight;
- unlimited consumables (throwing daggers, bombs, etc..) (Bound to M4 button on mouse) - an infinite number of consumables (throwing daggers, bombs, etc.) (linked to the M4 button on the mouse);
- invisible Mode - invisibility;
- superjump and safe landing — super jump and safe landing;
- night vision + tweak — edit night vision;
- extra large 'scan' range for Loot — very large scanning range for loot;
- some other tweaks, such as letting you have a higher chance of dismembering etc — and other pointers
- Auto / Fast lockpick — fast and automatic hacking;
- More compatible crafting for free (in debug some attempts were made) - free crafting;
- oneshot Kill - instant kill.
How to run:
- Open Cheat Engine;
- Click Load and select the table;
- Click Select a process to open and select the desired process;
- Select the desired option and put a cross.
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Таблица для Cheat Engine [1.93d]
Функции и команды:
- unimited Stamina — бесконечная выносливость;
- unlimited nitro in Flight — бесконечное нитро в полете;
- unlimited consumables (throwing daggers, bombs, etc..) (Bound to M4 button on mouse) - бесконечное количество расходных материалов (метательные кинжалы, бомбы и т.д.) (привязан к кнопке M4 на мыши);
- invisible Mode - невидимость;
- superjump and safe landing — суперпрыжок и безопасная посадка;
- night vision + tweak — редактировать ночное видение;
- extra large 'scan' range for Loot — очень большой диапазон сканирования для лута;
- some other tweaks, such as letting you have a higher chance of dismembering etc — и другие указатели
- Auto / Fast lockpick — быстрый и автоматическии взлом;
- More compatible crafting for free (in debug some attempts were made) — бесплатный крафт;
- oneshot Kill — мгновенное убийство.
Как запустить:
- Открыть Cheat Engine;
- Нажать Load и выбрать таблицу;
- Нажать Select a process to open и выбрать нужный процесс;
- Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крестик.
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