Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Quick loot collection

This mod allows you to collect loot from defeated enemies much faster. One press of E is enough. How to run: unpack the downloaded archive to this path /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source/data 0.pack/scripts/player.
Clown costume

Dying Laugh Outfit. Halloween clown costume. Go to the bonus content in Aiden's stash, then equip it. Install by dragging data3.pak into Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Retexture biomarker

E3 2019 Biomarker retexture by Simple and QXAlmighty. This mod/retexture changes the biomarker to look similar to the one shown in 2019 gameplay.
Unused color corrections

Unused Colorgradings. Want to test out a different visual style? Try these 2 unused clgs. (You can combine them in your data using the Loose_file folder). Paste data2.pak into Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Unlock all costumes by pre-ordering

Unlock All Outfits (Pre-Order Bonus and E3 2019 Outfit). A simple mod that unlocks all existing outfits in the game. After installing the mod, you can equip gear by going into the stash and then into additional items. Installation instructions: 1 ...
"X" Reshade

Dying Light X ReShade. This mod improves the graphics of Dying Light 2 using reshade technology. Installation: 1) Download and install the latest version (5.1.0) of Reshade with ALL PACKAGES on https://reshade.me/ to the game folder 2) Download ...
Unlock all bonus pre-order weapons

Unlock All Pre-Order Bonus Weapons. A mod that unlocks pre-order bonus weapons. - 2 rechargeable weapons - 2 legendary weapons Installation instructions: 1. First download the RAR file that I have provided. 2. Then extract the rar file using Winra ...
Play as Veronica

Play As Veronika (outfit) FIXED. I made this mod so you can play as Veronica. Just change the player model, maybe someone will like it. How to install: drag data2.pak to Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Full passive health recovery

Full Passive Health Regeneration. Recovers 100% of your health passively - balanced by a reduced rate - instead of 33% or 25%. This mod allows you to restore your entire health bar, so if you manage to avoid taking damage for a while, you'll eventu ...
Snow map

Snow Map MOD. This mod basically adds snow to Dying Light 2. Installation instructions: 1. First download the RAR file that I have provided. 2. Then extract the rar file using Winrar or 7zip. 3. Now copy data3.pak and paste it into the source fol ...
Huge elemental damage

Huge Elemental Damage- Weapons Damage Increase. This mod allows you to increase the damage values of your weapons + the damage values of elemental mods (except boost). Forget about 500-600 damage weapons and say hello to godly 2k+ damage weapons. ...
Unlimited Stamina Mod

Unlimited Stamina MOD. A mod that gives you unlimited stamina for all activities. Features: - Unlimited stamina for the paraglider, - Unlimited stamina for combat, - Unlimited stamina for parkour, - Unlimited stamina for grappling hook, etc. Ins ...
Making military first aid kits

Craft Military Medkits. This mod turns the latest update of the medicine, also known as the bandage, into a first aid kit. Now when you upgrade your bandage blueprint to max, you will be able to create military first aid kits. Installation instruc ...
Reshade "Last Hope"

Last Hope Reshade. This mod improves the graphics of Dying Light 2 using reshade technology. This reshade is designed to make the world of Dying Light 2 darker and gloomier. Installation: 1. Download the Last Hope reshade and unzip its contents wh ...
92.9 Night FM Music EDM

92.9 Night FM EDM Music. I remade the radio station 92.9 Night FM with relaxing edm tunes to drive around the city at night.