Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Unused color corrections

Unused Colorgradings. Want to test out a different visual style? Try these 2 unused clgs. (You can combine them in your data using the Loose_file folder). Paste data2.pak into Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Last hope - hesheid

Last Hope - Reshade. Changes the atmosphere and quality of the game to further improve immersion without changing the core design too much. Please look at the screenshots to compare with the default game on maximum settings. This has very little impa ...
Improved gamma

DYING RELIGHT ReShade. Disappointed with the current state of the new sequel? Just want to visit DL without having to deal with the old graphics? Well, you're in luck today! Here's a ReShade preset aimed at improving the game's visual shortcomings! ...
Next generation reshade

Next-Gen Reshade. This game-changing reshade will give you the best visual enhancements Dying Light 2 has to offer. Enhanced details without being overly sharp. Contrast is balanced. There will be no dark black night time or super white day time with ...
Post-apocalypse atmosphere

Dying light 2 E3 atmosphere. Tired of the bright and cheerful colors in Dying Light 2? Then this mod is for you. Do you want your game to look more gritty and feel like a zombie apocalypse? The palette in this reshade preset is originally taken from ...
Reducing greenery

DeGreen Reshade. Reshade mod, which reduces greenery on rooftops and darkens the overall image. Features: - Can be used in multiplayer - FPS reduction between 2-4 - Easy to install Installation: 1. After installing Reshade, place SimpleReshade. ...
Graphics without green and yellow tints

Dying 2 Reshade. I am sharing with you my personal ReShade, having decided to remove the green and yellow tint from the game. Inspired by the E3 gameplay demo. It tends to make colors feel more realistic without making them look washed out. Install ...
Removing yellow tint

YTBG - Yellow Tint Be Gone. Custom shade preset to remove yellow tint and sharpen images. Bright nights, interiors option is now available as a separate option; Adjusted gamma, shadows to be more in line with the original experience, but still remain ...
Slightly sad Reshade

Slight Dreary Reshade. Tones down extremely bright colors. I like the more subtle changes, the author reduced the green, blue and red a bit to make the game feel more moody.
Photorealistic lighting

Shadow Fall ReShade Collection - Vivid__Cinematic__Balanced. Photorealistic lighting and cinematic color grading with additional balanced cinematic effects including depth of field, anamorphic camera lens warp, vignette, film grain and chromatic aber ...
Cinematic shadows

IAMDOOMED Cinematic Reshade (Performance). A simple but effective color and detail mod. Less bright, more detail and a cinematic bluish tint to the shadows to give you a more immersive horror experience.
Removing yellow tint

Reshade-PlusPlus. Removes yellow tint. Improves color/light and detail. Keep in mind that a lot will depend on the weather/sun, monitor settings, etc. on how things will look. DX12U and ray tracing are only disabled when the flashlight is on. DLSS is ...
Slower time cycles

Slower Time Cycles. Increases the duration of day/night cycles by 2x/4x/8x/Real Time The default real-time information time in Dying Light 2 is broken down into 3 different types: Daytime, Nighttime, and Internal Time. Day and night last 12 hours ea ...
Extremely simple reshade

Extremely Simple Reshade. Just a very light Reshade using just 2 effects to get rid of the yellowish tint, adding some ACES Tonemapping used in UE4.
More contrast

overgrowth-reshade. This was done because for a zombie game where night and day have a big difference in gameplay, they both look the same, so the author corrected this and made day and night more contrasting with bright blues and deep greens for day ...