Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Graphics like E3 2019

Reshade - E3 2019. With this reshade, the author tried to make the game more similar to the E3 trailer. However, this is still a WIP, so it might not look its best at the moment. I'll try to make it as identical as possible, but finding the best sett ...
Disable antialiasing

Dying light 2 Disable Antialiasing. This little trick changes the visuals a bit, I'm not a modder, I just discovered that it makes the game much better. Changes: - Disables anti-aliasing - Changes shadows - Changes Voxel Global Illumination - ...
Improved colors

Recolour Dying Light 2. This is a reshade that the author made using only a custom LUT texture and additional CAS sharpening to improve the color and blur of the game. If you only use the LUT option, you won't get a single fps drop with this reshade, ...
Removing yellow tint

ClearView. Removes the yellow tint and makes the image clearer. 1. Install reshade for DL2 2. Place my preset in the following folder /Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/work/bin/x64 3. Launch the game, press "Home" and select a preset
Photorealistic city

PRVC - PhotoRealistic Villedor City. A photorealistic ReShade preset focused on improving lighting, color grading, texture accuracy, HDR and more. Very low to no performance loss. For the best visual experience, turn the sharpness down to 0 (found in ...
Disable post-processing effects

NO POST PROCESSING EFFECTS like flare etc. Removes sharpness, chromatic aberrations, flare, anarmorphic highlights, dirty lenses. Installation is quite simple: extract to the Dying Light 2 folder. If you prefer to leave some effects enabled, go to Dy ...
Post-apocalyptic reshade

Post-Apocolyptic Reshade -- DyingLight (1-2) Perfect Style Mixture. This change aims to significantly reduce the brightness, but still integrate it into the game when needed. Exteriors look more apocalyptic/frightening. The interiors retain their sty ...
Cinematic reshade

CinematicV1. This is a small reshade that changes the lighting and some other effects in the game. It makes the game much better and less boring.
New shade

Goonz Dying Light 2 Reshade. This reshade gives the game more realistic colors. Installation instructions: Download Reshade here - reshade.me 1. Launch the Reshade executable, click Browse and point it to the Dying Light 2 game executable/ph/wo ...