Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Play as Veronica

Play As Veronika (outfit) FIXED. I made this mod so you can play as Veronica. Just change the player model, maybe someone will like it. How to install: drag data2.pak to Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Improved dismemberment

Improved dismemberment. You probably noticed that the physics and animation of zombies have become worse compared to the first part of the dying light. I changed the dismemberment system a little, now zombie limbs should fly apart with a greater chan ...
Beautiful Loan from the trailer

E3 Lawan. This mod will change the standard Loan to a new, more beautiful one, which was shown to us in the trailer at E3. To install, place data2.pak in Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Talia instead of Loan

Lawan to Thalia Replacer. This replaces Loan with who I use as a stand-in in my personal game, the blue-eyed bookworm Talia. I personally like the way Thalia looks, some people probably don't even know she exists unless you did the quest to find the ...
Leah instead of Loan

Replace Lawan with Leah. Change Loan's model to Leah, the female pilgrim. Place the data4.pak file in the Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source folder. Feel free to rename it so your PAK files are numbered sequentially. IE: data0.pak data ...
Loan - a portly gentleman

Lawan is the Portly Gentleman. Change the Loan model to a burly gentleman, an energetic but sensitive lover. Place the data4.pak file in the Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source folder. Feel free to rename it so your PAK files are numbered ...
Beautiful Laban

Replace the Lawan model. Replace Lovana's model with Helen's model. Place data2.pak in Dying Light 2/ph/source. Or merge with existing data2. Multiplayer game available.