Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Clown costume

Dying Laugh Outfit. Halloween clown costume. Go to the bonus content in Aiden's stash, then equip it. Install by dragging data3.pak into Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Retexture biomarker

E3 2019 Biomarker retexture by Simple and QXAlmighty. This mod/retexture changes the biomarker to look similar to the one shown in 2019 gameplay.
Unlock all costumes by pre-ordering

Unlock All Outfits (Pre-Order Bonus and E3 2019 Outfit). A simple mod that unlocks all existing outfits in the game. After installing the mod, you can equip gear by going into the stash and then into additional items. Installation instructions: 1 ...
Unlock all bonus pre-order weapons

Unlock All Pre-Order Bonus Weapons. A mod that unlocks pre-order bonus weapons. - 2 rechargeable weapons - 2 legendary weapons Installation instructions: 1. First download the RAR file that I have provided. 2. Then extract the rar file using Winra ...
Huge elemental damage

Huge Elemental Damage- Weapons Damage Increase. This mod allows you to increase the damage values of your weapons + the damage values of elemental mods (except boost). Forget about 500-600 damage weapons and say hello to godly 2k+ damage weapons. ...
Coronel costume

Coronel's outfit (Not pre order outfit needed). This mod makes it possible to play in the Coronel costume without pre-ordering. You can use armor and it will not affect your Coronel outfit. Installation: upload data5.pak to Steam/steamapps/common/Dy ...
Critical damage for all weapons

Bring me Thanos. Increase the critical strike chance of ALL weapon modifications (effect trigger speed) to 100%. Installation: Upload data4.pak to steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source Update: Optional version for 50% and 75% critical strike ...
Artifact Level DLC Weapons

Artefact Level DLC Weapons. Changes the item rarity of two recently released DLC weapons to "artifact" to increase damage. Please note that this only affects the weapon entry in your stash, it will not affect weapons if they are already in your inven ...
Hide weapon mods

Hide Weapon Mods. This mod will hide all weapon modifications. Available options: - Hide everything - Hide hint - Hide shaft - Hide the grip - Hide fire - Hide the bleeding - Hide toxicity - Hide freeze - Hide influence - Hide shock Installatio ...
Improved grappling hook

Grappling hook buff. What this mod does: no fall damage; no stamina cost for hook; Reduced stamina cost for sprinting and increased sprint time. When you press space you have a "random" jump, but if you press the mouse again you will jump higher, mor ...
Chris stole Jill's clothes

Chris Stole Jill's Clothes. Give Jill's clothes from RE3 Remake to Chris. There is no 3rd person addon yet, maybe I will add one later in the future! This mod must be installed along with the Fluffy Manager 5000 mod manager.