Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Clown costume

Dying Laugh Outfit. Halloween clown costume. Go to the bonus content in Aiden's stash, then equip it. Install by dragging data3.pak into Dying Light 2/ph/source.
Unlock all costumes by pre-ordering

Unlock All Outfits (Pre-Order Bonus and E3 2019 Outfit). A simple mod that unlocks all existing outfits in the game. After installing the mod, you can equip gear by going into the stash and then into additional items. Installation instructions: 1 ...
Coronel costume

Coronel's outfit (Not pre order outfit needed). This mod makes it possible to play in the Coronel costume without pre-ordering. You can use armor and it will not affect your Coronel outfit. Installation: upload data5.pak to Steam/steamapps/common/Dy ...
Chris stole Jill's clothes

Chris Stole Jill's Clothes. Give Jill's clothes from RE3 Remake to Chris. There is no 3rd person addon yet, maybe I will add one later in the future! This mod must be installed along with the Fluffy Manager 5000 mod manager.