Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Photorealistic lighting

Shadow Fall ReShade Collection - Vivid__Cinematic__Balanced. Photorealistic lighting and cinematic color grading with additional balanced cinematic effects including depth of field, anamorphic camera lens warp, vignette, film grain and chromatic aber ...
Hide weapon mods

Hide Weapon Mods. This mod will hide all weapon modifications. Available options: - Hide everything - Hide hint - Hide shaft - Hide the grip - Hide fire - Hide the bleeding - Hide toxicity - Hide freeze - Hide influence - Hide shock Installatio ...
Fast sprint

Faster Dash Sprint. This mod increases the length and speed when using the ability. Drag data2.pak to DyingLight2StayHuman/ph/source. If you already have a data2pak mod, open both with winrar and drag and drop my files into the existing data2pak.
Cinematic shadows

IAMDOOMED Cinematic Reshade (Performance). A simple but effective color and detail mod. Less bright, more detail and a cinematic bluish tint to the shadows to give you a more immersive horror experience.
Less experience and trophies

Less XP and Trophies Grind. Experience gain has been increased and trophy prices have been reduced. This mod does two things: - 8 times more experience for all actions except quest rewards. - The requirements for “trophies” and gold for improving ...
Removing yellow tint

Reshade-PlusPlus. Removes yellow tint. Improves color/light and detail. Keep in mind that a lot will depend on the weather/sun, monitor settings, etc. on how things will look. DX12U and ray tracing are only disabled when the flashlight is on. DLSS is ...
Improved grappling hook

Grappling hook buff. What this mod does: no fall damage; no stamina cost for hook; Reduced stamina cost for sprinting and increased sprint time. When you press space you have a "random" jump, but if you press the mouse again you will jump higher, mor ...
Changing Stamina

StaminaJumping. For those who don't like the original stamina but don't need infinite stamina, this mod might be for you. Works on all difficulties. Features: - Hanging and jumping consume significantly less stamina - Stamina will take longer to r ...
More loot

More loot. This mod increases the maximum loot from containers and zombies. Usually only one item at a time, they can now hold up to three items. Just increased the "maximum odds", they can still only drop one item. Zombie backpacks have also been im ...
Weapon durability is 4 times better

Durability 4x. Melee weapons now have 4 times less degradation. Installation is very simple: 1. Extract the rar file. 2. Copy the contents to the root folder -> i.e. /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source 3. When used with other mo ...
Slower time cycles

Slower Time Cycles. Increases the duration of day/night cycles by 2x/4x/8x/Real Time The default real-time information time in Dying Light 2 is broken down into 3 different types: Daytime, Nighttime, and Internal Time. Day and night last 12 hours ea ...
Extremely simple reshade

Extremely Simple Reshade. Just a very light Reshade using just 2 effects to get rid of the yellowish tint, adding some ACES Tonemapping used in UE4.
More contrast

overgrowth-reshade. This was done because for a zombie game where night and day have a big difference in gameplay, they both look the same, so the author corrected this and made day and night more contrasting with bright blues and deep greens for day ...
God Mode - All in one package

AIO - All In One PAK. This is a data2.pak containing: GOD MODE, no fall damage, infinite glide speed, infinite ammo, infinite stamina, infinite weapon durability, no immunity drain, easier lockpicking, improved survivor sense and binoculars. For secu ...
Graphics like E3 2019

Reshade - E3 2019. With this reshade, the author tried to make the game more similar to the E3 trailer. However, this is still a WIP, so it might not look its best at the moment. I'll try to make it as identical as possible, but finding the best sett ...