Dying Light 2 Stay Human
A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The formula of "zombies... Read more
Easy lockpicking

Easy Lock Picking. Makes the lockpick minigame much easier, makes it harder to break lockpicks and reduces the number of lockpicks needed to pick a lock. To install, place data99.pak in SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/sourcefolder.
Post-apocalyptic reshade

Post-Apocolyptic Reshade -- DyingLight (1-2) Perfect Style Mixture. This change aims to significantly reduce the brightness, but still integrate it into the game when needed. Exteriors look more apocalyptic/frightening. The interiors retain their sty ...
Cinematic reshade

CinematicV1. This is a small reshade that changes the lighting and some other effects in the game. It makes the game much better and less boring.
Infinite Stamina

Infinite stamina. Infinite endurance. To install, drag data2.pak into Dying Light 2/ph/source.
New shade

Goonz Dying Light 2 Reshade. This reshade gives the game more realistic colors. Installation instructions: Download Reshade here - reshade.me 1. Launch the Reshade executable, click Browse and point it to the Dying Light 2 game executable/ph/wo ...
Disabling telemetry

Disable Telemetry. This is a very small mod that simply disables telemetry in the game.
Extreme night

EXTREME NIGHTS v2 - THE RETURN OF THE KING. This mod makes the night so terrible that it is only suitable for masochists. To install, drop the downloaded file into this path Dying Light 2/ph/source. Features: - Increased night time - Reducing dayl ...
Unlimited weapon durability

Unlimited Weapon Durability. The weapon becomes indestructible. Post data2.pak to DyingLight2StayHuman/ph/source. If you already have a data2pak mod, open both with winrar and drag and drop my files into the existing data2pak.
Disabling traces during melee combat

No more trails. Removes traces from close combat, throwing knives, etc., increases immersion. Drag data2.pak to DyingLight2StayHuman/ph/source. If you already have a data2pak mod, open both with winrar and drag and drop my files into the existing dat ...
Dualshock PS button icons

DS4 Dualshock Button Icons. As with Dying Light 1, the game misidentifies DS4 controllers and instead we see lame Xbox One or Xbox 360 icons, these 4 files replace the DS4 icons. These files must be placed in the data0.pak file in the panel folder. ...
No more enemy outlines

No More NPC Outlines In Survival Sense. This mod removes the outlines of enemies/npcs when using survival sense. It simply outlines the interactive objects. To install, go to Dying Light 2/ph/source/ 1 Open data0.pak with 7z, right click on the pak ...
Developer menu

Dying Light 2 Developer Menu. Adds Dev menu back to the game. To install: 1. Download the file. 2. Open zip. 2. Place the file in Dying Light 2/ph/source. 3. Launch the game and go to the "Hints" section of your menu.
Advanced field of view options

Expanded FOV Options. Expands the default FOV settings in games based on your preferences. Read below for more information. This mod simply contains edited files for the video.scr file located in Dying Light 2, these options currently include the o ...
RTTI Dump is a resource for modders

Dying Light 2 RTTI Dump. This download contains an RTTI dump of the Dying Light 2 release and is intended for future modding related questions only.
Skip all screensavers

Skip All Intros. This mod allows you to skip all the intros and go straight to the main menu. Installation: Drag data2.pak to the Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source folder.