Elden Ring
An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of Thrones." The focus is... Read more
Kerwin - female character preset

Caerwyn - Female Character Preset. I suggest you use the sliders as using the preset file with Elden Ring save transfer managers will overwrite your own save file. Please make a backup before use.
Wanderer - Male Character Preset

The Wanderer - Male Character Preset. I suggest you use the sliders as using the preset file with Elden Ring save transfer managers will overwrite your own save file. Please make a backup before use.
Naked body with big curves

'Extra Buff' Nude Body Remodel. The author ported the Jiggly Nude Body Remodel “Extra Buff” from KarbonKitsune to Elden Ring. The body model used in this mod is the EBB (Extra Buff Body). It is impossible to change skin color. Copy the dcx files to ...
Elena - preset for a female character

Elena — Female Character sliders. Women's presets based on real fashion models. This is a text file containing slider settings that you can copy during character creation.
Naked Rennie

Ranni – Sexy Empyrean Edition – Updated with optional nude version. Tarnished, it's time to interact with the sexy snow witch Rennie. Substitute model for Witch Rennie. Swaps snow witch robe and doll body in bikini or nude. For lovers of sexy, busty ...
Yennefer from Witcher 3

Yen from Witcher 3. The mod will add Yennefer from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to the game.
Naked Fia

Nude Fia. I was surprised that there was no mod for naked Fia, so I whipped up a simple one. Installation: 1. Disable EAC and play offline: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/90 2. Use UXM or ModEngine2 https://github.com/soulsmods/ModEn ...
Noel from the game Genshin Impact

Noelle Overhaul (Genshin). This mod was made because my previous Noelle mod was not enough in various aspects. This especially wasn't enough to fulfill his duty as a fan of Noelle. I'm currently thinking of updating the clothes for the addon on top o ...
La Signora from the game Genshin Impact

La_Signora ( GENSHIN ). The “Knight's Helmet + Astrologer” set is replaced by La Signora. lg_m_1250.partsbnd.dcx is a file that contains the actual La_Signora simulation. While others are invisible masks. The lg_m_1250.partsbnd.dcx file can be rena ...
Radagona hairstyle

Hair 9 - Radagon's Hairstyle. Replace hairstyle #9 with Radagon's hairstyle. The hair cannot be re-dyed with cosmetics and there is some minor trimming due to Radagon's completely different facial structure compared to the player character, like othe ...
Replacing enemy models

Enemy models replacement. This mod replaces the knight's helmet on the face and head of the soldier Godric. For offline use only. Update: Godric's knight's helmet and breastplate have been replaced with the enemy version. He comes in a raincoat and ...
White Torrent

White Torrent. Changed Torrent color to white. Unpack and patch using UXM. Replace in chr folder.
Melina's hairstyle

Hair 17 - Melina's Hairstyle. Replace hairstyle 17 with Melina's hairstyle. Installation instructions: 1. Unpack and patch the game using UXM 2. Make a backup copy of the source files (optional) 3. Place dcx files from the archive in the Game/part ...
Hairstyle Early

Hair 13 - Ranni's Hairstyle. Replace hair 13 with Ranny's hairstyle. Installation instructions: 1. Unpack and patch the game using UXM 2. Make a backup copy of the source files (optional) 3. Place dcx files from the archive in the Game/parts fold ...
Moon Witch - preset

Moon Witch - Preset. Esoteric preset for the spell master. Preset made after several days of struggle with the character creator.