Elden Ring
An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of Thrones." The focus is... Read more
Zireel (Sword Ciri)

Witcher 3 Zireael (Ciri's sword). Replace Noble's Subtle Sword with Zireael from The Witcher 3. Installation: 1. Unpack using UXM. Don't forget to back up your original files. 2. Place the dcx files from the archive into the Game/parts folder, re ...
Black claymore

Black Claymore. This is a small mod that repaints the standard claymore in a stylish black color.
Scythe "Soul Hunter"

Lifehunt Scythe (Replaces Grave Scythe). A mod that replaces Grave Scythe in Elden Ring with Lifehunt scythe (Priscilla's Scythe) from Dark Souls.
Black Blade of Ymir

Ymir's Black Blade. This is a replacement weapon - the claymore. It's pretty boring, I did it as a test of my own skills. Using ModEngine2, extract the parts folder into the mod folder, which should be created by ModEngine by default.
"Arondite" - the Witcher's sword

Aerondight - The Witcher Sword. Replace your favorite two-handed sword with the Aerondight from The Witcher. 4 light color options.
Longsword of the "Carian Knight"

Carian Knight Longsword. Transforms the "Carian Knight Sword" into a real longsword; longer, a little wider, a little less thick.
Sacred Weapon of Morgoth

Morgott's Holy Armaments. Reworked Morgott's Cursed Sword, adding its golden weapon to its moveset. Other changes to Morgott's Cursed Sword: - Cursed-Blood Slice now applies death flames to the blade for 30 seconds. - Agility requirements reduced f ...
Great straight sword

Straight Sword Great Epee. Transforms a large sword into a large straight sword. You cannot play this mod online. You will need to unzip and patch the game using UXM and download the "anti-cheat switch and offline launcher" Once your game is unzipp ...
Improved Snake Sword

Splinted Serpentbone Blade. A simple rework of the Serpentbone Blade weapon for v1.05. Features: - Added Arcane scaling - Changed Ash of War to Poison Moth Flight - The weapon status has been completely changed to “Unique”
Yamato from the game Devil May Cry 5

DMC 5 - Yamato. Textures and editing have been changed to be more in line with Elden Ring.
Kelaag's Furious Sword

Quelaag's Furysword. This mod adds a new sword from the game Dark Souls to the game. Installation instructions: - unpack file - uxm for unpacking ER - backup weapons to the parts folder: wp_a_0409 - overwrite/place in folder - download and play!
Repainted weapons

Recolored Weapons. A bunch of repainted weapons. - “Divine Skin Stitcher” - “Mikellan knight's sword” (replaces the long sword) - Wing of Astel (a recolor of Magma Blade) for those who can't stand its shrimp-like tail. - “Shield of the Sun Kingdom” ...
Grand katana "Rivers of Blood"

Sanguine Rivers of Blood. Transforms the Rivers of Blood sword into a grander version of itself. Details: - This mod modifies Rivers of Blood, turning it into a grander version of itself by changing its animations. - RoB's first heavy attack is a ...
Crucible weapon recolors

Crucible Weapon Recolors. Silver, red, and gold colors recolor the Crucible's horn shield, Ordovis's greatsword, and Siluria's tree. The shield is silver, red and gold Sword of Ordovis - silver, red and gold Wood of Siluria - silver, red and gold
Morn's Great Hammer from Dark Souls 3

DS3 Morne's Great Hammer. Exchange Scepter of the Devourer for Morn's Great Hammer from Dark Souls 3.