Elden Ring
An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of Thrones." The focus is... Read more
Mechanical porcelain hand from the game Lies of P

Adds an equippable mechanical arm from Lies of P.
Sylvanas' Armor

Replaces the Bloodhound Knight outfit with Sylvanas' outfit from the Warcraft series.
Illidan Armor

Replaces the Purifier set with the Illidan costume from the Warcraft series.
Jaina's Outfit

Replaces the Purifier armor set with Jaina's costume from the Warcraft series.
Tyrael's Armor

Replaces the Ugly Dragon set with Tyrael's armor from the Diablo series. How to run: unpack this path mod/parts.
Armor of the Lich King

Replaces the Fire Prelate set with the Lich King armor from the Warcraft series. How to run: unpack the downloaded archive to this path mod/parts.
Diablo 2 - Amazon armor

Replaces the Night Cavalry set with the Amazon Armor from Diablo 2.
Legolas armor

This mod adds Legola's outfit and bow to the game.
Solar shield

Original title: Sunlight Shield. This mod adds a new shield with the image of the sun to the game. Replaces the Eclipse Crest Heater shield.
Grass Shield

Original title: Grass Crest Shield. This mod adds a shield with grass symbols to the game. Replaces the turtle shield.
Unique shield with golden wing

Original title: Golden Wing Crest Shield - Unique. This mod adds a unique shield with golden wings. Replaces the hawk shield.
Shield with golden wing

Original title: Golden Wing Crest Shield. This mod adds a shield with golden wings to the game. Replaces the hawk shield.
Chain mail on the confessor's armor

Original title: Cofessor's Chainmaille - No more fishnet chainmail. A simple retexture that changes the mesh pattern on the Confessor's armor to chain mail.
Leather armor chainmail

Original title: Leather Armor chainmail. Chain mail has been added to the shoulder of the leather set. Replaces the mesh pattern on the right shoulder of leather sets with 4-in-1 chainmail or kusari style chainmail.
Ornstein Prime Armor

Original title: Ornstein Prime. Dragonslayer Ornstein, in all his golden splendor. Replaces the Cleanrot set and spear