Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind is a continuation of the fantasy role-playing action game with a first-person view in the Elder Scrolls universe. The events of the game... Read more
Tubular magic lanterns

Magic Tube Lanterns. This mod adds tubular magic lanterns in five different colors. In Balmora, just under a pillar of ooze, you will find a Lampmaster who can sell you five different types of magic lanterns: blue, green, yellow, red and purple, whic ...
Bone Weapon

Bonemold Weapons. The weapon was completely modeled by the author from scratch. Has damage close to Dwemer. Now Hlaalu, Redoran and Telvanni guard use bone weapons, the Skeleton Champion has a chance to spawn with bone weapons, some weapons can be bo ...
Energy sword from the game Halo

Halo Combat Evolved Energy Sword. Adds the energy sword from Halo to the world of Morrowind. He can be found in the training room at the Fighters Guild in Balmora.
Elven armor and weapons

Elven Armor and Weapons. This mod adds elven armor and weapons (and enchanted versions) to the game. Features: — full set of medium armor — shield — long sword — claymore — short sword - dagger — battle ax — mace — spear — staff - bow ...
More wells

More wells — an addon for Ashfall. This mod simply adds more wells around Vvardenfell for a better Ashfall experience, as the author always thought it was weird that many settlements didn't have a well.
New draugr axes

Dreugh Weapons additions. This mod adds two new draugr battle axes to the game. The weapons are integrated into the game, can be found from Varaxa in the Erril trading house, and both weapons are carried by Meldor of Balmora if you don't have the mon ...
Full gold armor

LeFemm Armor with complete Gold Armor. LeFemm armor, specifically designed for women, is sold at the Fighters Guild in Vivec, Sirollus Saccus in Ebonheart, the Redoran Vaults, and the Lady Blacksmiths in Ald Rhun, Sadrith Mora, and Ald Velothi.
Coin exchange

Dwemer Throwing Coins and Cogs. Various members of the Thieves Guild will exchange your Dwemer coins for throwing coins. Yagrum Bagarn is ready to exchange rusty Dwemer gears for throwing gears.
Coin throwing

Gold Throwing Coins. Talk to people about throwing gold coins and you can trade one gold coin for a gold coin you can throw. You'll soon discover how much fun you can have throwing coins at people and having them catch them and throw them back.
Boots of the Beast

Beast Boots MWSE. This mod makes all boots suitable for beast racing. Using MWSE, this is done seamlessly, without requiring separate boot items for the beast races. The only requirement is that the boots must have an ankle strap. Requirements: - ...
Various alcohols

Booze for Purists. This mod adds various alcoholic drinks for sale in hotels. Taverns always offer drinks made from local plants, usually having a few Vvardenfell drinks and perhaps a few imported drinks from around Tamriel. Installation: - Instal ...
Invisible shields

Raym's Invisible Shields. This is a very simple mod: it adds 4 invisible shields. These shields work exactly the same as regular ones, but the only difference is that they are not visible when equipped. You can enchant these shields, but you still wo ...
Amulet of necromancers with the effect of restoring magic

Necromancers Amulet with Restore Magicka effect. This mod simply adds a magic restoration effect to the necromancer amulet. This allows magic to be restored over time, even for Atronach signs, since it is an external effect. To install, simply place ...
Ornate Daedric Sword and Dagger

Refined Daedric Sword And Dagger. This is a simple mod that adds a Daedric sword and dagger to the Altar of Ald Soth, in the Temple of Dagon. Recommended for use with this mod.
Ingram M10 submachine gun

The mod adds the Ingram M10 submachine gun to the arsenal from Tactical Morrowind. The original mod is required to work. You can find the machine gun in the box with the rest of the set. Code to receive via console: Player->additem "TACTICAL_M10" 1