Files for Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind / Combat system

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Retexture of magic effects

Retexture of magic effects
Author: 7Dagoth
Size: 15.90 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: November 21, 2020
Downloads: 517
Comments: 0
Download Waldemar's Magic Effects Retexture. Retextures of all magical effects available as spells or as visualizations of the effects of potions and enchanted items. The installation is standard: unpack the Data Files folder from the archive into the game fo ...

Enchanted doors

Enchanted doors
Author: Anumaril21
Size: 1.00 kB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: October 14, 2020
Downloads: 229
Comments: 0
Download Visually Trapped Objects. This mod applies an enchanted effect to any doors or containers with traps. This effect is the same as for any other enchanted items, so it is compatible with and complements any mods that improve this effect. To install, ju ...

NextGen Combat - a modern combat system

NextGen Combat - a modern combat system
Author: Aracelliy
Size: 9.72 kB
Uploaded by: addvans
Date: July 21, 2019
Downloads: 2226
Comments: 0
Download The mod changes the combat system, making it similar to combat in modern games - all weapons have a 100% hit chance, and perks and skills are changed to match this (for example, skills increase the damage done by weapons, and different types of weapo ...