Major repairs of the entire highway

Entire Highway Overhaul. Revisiting the entire track in the game concept is that everyone was in some shock after finding out that the bombs would fall and most were trying to get to some of the scattered vaults, which is also strange due to the lack ...
Officer enclave

Enclave Officer. The enclave officer is of course one of the many officers of the enclave, he may not have a command, but he is the last officer and he is ready to help you, his true motives are unknown, but it is known that he wants to do something, ...
Landfill Lighting

Lights Turned On Disposal Site. This mod includes spotlights that you can find in the Jalbert Brothers junkyard. It’s strange that they were turned off there and because of this it was impossible to study the location at night.
Paratrooper camouflage uniform

Camouflage Paratrooper Uniforms. A mod containing several paratrooper-style camouflage uniforms. There are a total of 20 different outfits, as well as hats. Paratroopers fight in various camouflages from all over the world. Only camouflages from the ...
Improved Mason District

Mason District Complete SM Overhaul. This mod completely remakes the super mutant camp from a wide open area to a walled outpost that will strike fear into the hearts of many. Previously you could just shoot them from above, but I improved the area w ...
Soldier Enclave

Enclave Soldier. This mod adds an Enclave soldier as your companion to help you destroy the enclave. You can find him near Springvale School in the parking lot and he comes with basic commands like the others: follow, wait, trade, bye, he has a plasm ...
Uniform of the Black Hussars

Black Guard Hussars. This mod adds a black hussar uniform inspired by the Prussian hussars. The set includes two uniforms: officer and regular. And also 4 options for hats. You can find all this at the main gate outside Megaton, behind a man dying of ...
Useful army trucks

Army Trucks Overhaul. This mod turns all 14 empty and boring army trucks into weapon/ammo/health caches, making them more valuable, if you need support you can find a lot of things to take. You can get a sniper rifle, a rocket launcher or even a mini ...
We are not alone

We Are Not Alone. This mod adds two more crashed alien ships, Echo and Delta, as well as some electric lights to the cockpit of Tett's crashed ship. They're both in the water, which is a good way to explain why you couldn't find them before since pla ...
Animated dancer

Pipboy 3000 Animated Dancing Girl. This little mod adds an animated nude dancing girl to the bottom right corner of your Pipboy 3000's screen. This mod does not require a plugin to work. It is compatible with any texture substitute you use for your p ...
Real atomic bomb

Megaton Atomic Bomb Redo. This mod changes the appearance of the Megaton City atomic bomb to more closely resemble the real-life "Fat Man" atomic bomb that was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki - USA on August 9, 1945.
Deathclaw in 4K

Deathclaw 4K. This mod is a retexture of the Death Claws, now they will look more realistic, detailed and have 4K textures.
Improved stealth

Lightweight Stealth Mod Sneaking Improvement. This mod changes the stealth in the game. Now, daylight and firelight do not affect stealth as much, and the base sound of footsteps is reduced. The stealth skill does not increase success in not being de ...
Natural landscapes

Natural Landscapes (Capital Wasteland Edition). This is a mod that aims to bring high quality and realistic textures to the landscapes of Fallout 3. Natural Landscapes aims to stay true to the base game where possible and expand on textures that didn ...
Raiders Skirmishers

A Raider Filled Wasteland. This mod adds a new type of raider that uses melee weapons. They will appear randomly near you. If raiders don't initially appear, try waiting 24 hours in game or traveling to a new world. If this doesn't work, save your ga ...