Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition is a special edition of the role-playing game in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4. The game includes all the latest... Read more
Full conversational interface

Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations). This mod causes the game to display the full lines of what your character is going to say in a conversation, rather than just paraphrasing. It also updates the ...
The best sleep and wait menu

Better Sleep and Wait Menu. This mod allows you to directly conveniently select your sleep time by target hours or using the daily schedule. Shows game time of day, current time and target time in a beautiful visualization. Also shows a sleepy Vault ...
Compact HUD in the right corner

Boxed HUD - Compact Immersive Right-side Def_UI. This mod moves the entire screen HUD to the lower right corner, making it more compact and convenient.
Easy lockpicking

Deft Hands. This mod adds color scales that will help you pick any lock faster. The set includes 2 types of scales: - The first one indicates how far you turned the pick and where it broke - The second indicates where you need to place the master ke ...