Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas is an adventure role-playing shooter with a first-person view in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. The events of the game will take you to... Read more
Productivity increase

The latest generation in productivity and stutter elimination. Compatible with Windows 10. Fixed terrible microstuttering and also fixed low FPS Havok. How to run: install using the mod manager or manually by dropping the ini file and dll file ...
NVSR (4.1.36) + NVSE (5.1 Beta 4) + NVAC ( + FNV4GB (1.4) - Update 2020

Hello everyone! Meet the updated collection of plugins for correct and stable play in Fallout: New Vegas. I added a new, very necessary plugin, updated the old ones and dug up a setup guide. Now all this is guaranteed to work on any version of the ga ...