Tifa without a T-shirt and stockings

  • Final Fantasy VII Remake — Tifa without a T-shirt and stockings
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake — Tifa without a T-shirt and stockings
Author: gatto tom
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Date: June 23, 2022, 09:16 AM
Downloads: 758

Tifa No Undershirt and Stockings.

Tifa's standard outfit without the black tank top and stockings. Replaces her standard outfit. Place the pak file in the ~mod folder (..../Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods).

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Тифа без майки и чулок

Tifa No Undershirt and Stockings.

Стандартный наряд Тифы без черной майки и чулок. Заменяет ее стандартный наряд. Поместите файл pak в папку ~mod (..../Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods).

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