Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake is a reimagining of the Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII from 1997. Fans of the cult JRPG and newcomers unfamiliar with the... Read more
Claude with black hair

Black Hair Cloud. This is a small mod that changes Claude's default hair color to black. Plain black hair requires r.SkeletalmeshLodBias -16.
Johnny with natural red hair

Natural Red Hair Johnny. Change Johnny's faux red color to something more natural. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods. If necessary, create a ~mods folder.
New suit with bright yellow hair

Cloud OG outfit with bright yellow hair. This mod will change Claude's outfit to resemble his PSX version of his outfit/hairstyle. Installation: Place the _P.pak file in the FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods folder, if you don't have a ~ ...
Black and gold hair for Sephiroth

Sephiroth Black and Golden hair. This is a small mod that changes Sephiroth's hair color. You can choose between black and gold color. To install, unpack the archive into the paks folder.
Tifa's original hair and eyes

Original Tifa Hair and Eyes. Tifa's hair and eye color have been changed to more closely resemble her design in the original Final Fantasy 7, both in game and in concept art. Tifa's hair is made a lighter, richer shade of brown, and her eyes are made ...
Wounded Johnny

Injured Johnny. Includes the ability to replace Standard, Sector 7 Event, and/or Blind Johnny with his injured version!
Naked Iris on the menu

Aerith Menu Nude. Replaces Iris's menu image with a nude version of her (still wearing the red jacket). To install: Place the downloaded files in ~/Final Fantasy VII - Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
Naked Tifa in the menu

Tifa Menu Nude Mod. This mod replaces Tifa's images in the game menu with nude versions of her. To install: Place the downloaded files in ~/Final Fantasy VII - Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
New Avalanche hair and eye color

Avalanche Crew New Hair and Eye Colors. Hair color and eye replacement for this group of misfits. Barrett, Jesse, Biggs and Wedge. Jessie gets an extra hair color because the others didn't look the same. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeI ...
Dirty Avalanche

Dirty Avalanche. This mod replaces the default appearance of Biggs, Jessie and Wedge with a dirtier look. You can choose from two versions: the default eye version and the Jenova cell version. To install this mod: 1. Locate the game installation ...
Hair dyes for Cloud, Iris and Tifa

Hair Colors for Cloud Aerith and Tifa. Some hair colors for this trio. Just a file that you place in the pak folder or ~mods folder. Choose only one color for each. Now works with all costume swaps. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeInterg ...
Hair and Eye Customization Kit

Cloud and Tifa Hair and Eyes Customization Pack. This mod allows you to switch between multiple custom eye and hair color options for Claude and Tifa right in the game. Extract this folder to /Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade/End/Binaries/Win64Mod ...
Elite Security Officer

Elite Security Officer (Security Officer replacement). This mod replaces the Security Officer model (default soldiers) with the Elite Security Officer model. Keep in mind that this mod is only a visual change! This does not affect the soldiers' stats ...
Traumatized Jessie

Injured Jessie. This mod replaces the base Jessie model with a Bandaged Jessie model. To install this mod: 1 Find the game installation folder. 2 Go to End / Content / Paks. 3 Create a folder named ~mods. 4 Place the pak file in the ~mods folder ...
Mud-covered Iris

Dirt-Covered Aerith. Changes the normal model of Iris to one covered in dirt. Iris was playing in the flower garden again, and now she's covered in dirt.