Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake is a reimagining of the Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII from 1997. Fans of the cult JRPG and newcomers unfamiliar with the... Read more
Low Poly Claude

Low Poly Cloud. Replaces Cloud's default clothing with a low-poly mesh and low-resolution textures. Place zLowPolyCloud.pak in EpicGames/FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/mods.
Claude as Virgil

Cloud - Virgil Skin. Cloud dressed as Vergil. Place the pak file in the mod folder (..../Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/mods).
Naked Tifa

Topless Tifa. This is her default outfit, so don't use mods to change the outfit. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods. For the mod to work you will need - Naked Tifa in 4K .
Realistic naked Tifa

Tifa Nude Natural. Adds breast swaying physics and removes Tifa's shirt and braces. 2.0.0 list of changes: - This mod no longer requires Tifa's purple dress to work and now replaces her default outfit. - This mod no longer requires "Invisible Ho ...
Tifa Soldier

Soldier Tifa. Gives the soldier costume to Tifa. Replaces her standard costume. Compatible with texture mods that change standard clothing. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
Barrett in camouflage

Barret Urban Camo 5 Models. This mod changes the standard colors of Barrett's clothes to urban camouflage. Includes 5 options. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the mods folder.
Tifa in urban camouflage

Tifa Urban Camo 3 Models. This mod replaces the colors of Tifa's standard clothing with urban camouflage. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the mods folder.
Iris in urban camouflage

Aerith Urban Camo. This mod replaces the standard color of Iris' jacket with an urban camouflage color. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the mods folder.
Iris the ghost hunter

Aerith Ghostbusters. This mod adds a new color scheme for Iris's standard jacket with the Ghostbusters logo. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the mods folder.
Yuffie pink flower

Yuffie Pink Flower. Black or white and pink outfit for Yuffie. Pink hair optional. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
Claude's face tattoo

Cloud Tattoo Face. This is a small mod that adds a stylish warrior tattoo to Claude's face. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/mods.
Yuffie's clothes from the game Advent Children

Yuffie Advent Children Outfit. This mod will allow Yuffie to wear her costume from Advent Children. Place the mod in the ~mods folder. FinalFantasyVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
Young Tseng

Young Tseng over Tseng. Replaces Tseng's long hair with the hair of his 19 year old version. To install, simply place the pak file in your Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/mods folder.
Tifa - bodybuilder

Beefa - Purple Dress. A pumped-up Tifa, this time in a dress. Modifies textures and normal maps for greater clarity. Gives the costume Purple dress Typhoid bodybuilder physique.
Naked Jessie in 4K

Jessie 4K High Poly Nude Mod. High quality body mesh for Jessie with extremely detailed 4K textures. This works for both the regular NPC version of Jessie and her in-game version that replaces Tifa. Mods and modding files for both versions are includ ...