Galactic Civilizations 4
Humanity has discovered the technology of superluminal travel and is now competing with aliens for dominance in the galaxy. The player begins to conquer the... Read more
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 10/15/2023]
Functions and commands: Resource Pointer — resource editor; Civilian Pointer — civil editor; Recruitment Pointer — recruitment editor; Unlimited Civilization Traits at Creation - endless features when creating civilizations. How ...
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 05/02/2023]
Functions and commands: Resource Pointer — resource editor; Civilian Pointer — civil editor; Recruitment Pointer — recruitment editor; Unlimited Civilization Traits at Creation — endless features when creating civilizations. How ...
Table for Cheat Engine [1.01.343914b]
Character/race creation triats — Edit triats when creating a character unl Selected ship/fleet moves (read description in table!!) — Edit ship movements Selected ship Pointers - Edit ship characteristics Resources pointers (money, culture points etc. ...
Table for Cheat Engine [1.01.343914b]
Character/race creation triats — Edit triats when creating a character unl Selected ship/fleet moves (read description in table!!) — Edit ship movements Selected ship Pointers - Edit ship characteristics Resources pointers (money, culture points etc. ...