Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure is a third-person action game with puzzle elements from the masters from the studio Untold Entertainment Inc.. The...
Super Stacker 2 is a strategy game with a mixture of puzzle and sandbox. The main publisher of the game is The Game Homepage. The PC version of Super...
Word Snap is a top-down strategy game with a hint of puzzle from the masters at Donut Games. The main publisher of the game is Donut Games. But Word...
DHTML Lemmings is a strategy game with platformer, puzzle and sandbox elements. But DHTML Lemmings has not yet been released on PC. But it is likely...
REDDER is a third-person action game with platforming and puzzle elements. But REDDER has not yet been released on PC. But it is likely that the game...
Bowja the Ninja 2: In Bigman's Compound is a third-person adventure with a hint of puzzle from the studio Pencilkids Ltd.. But on PC Bowja the Ninja...
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground is an adventure with a mixture of puzzle and fantasy game. In some circles, Zork: The Undiscovered Underground is...
Achievement Unlocked 2 is an action game with platformer and puzzle elements from developers from the studio Armor Games Inc.. The main publisher of...
Adventures of One Button Bob is an arcade game with action, platformer and puzzle elements from the Ninjadoodle studio. Adventures of One Button Bob...
Grayscale is a top-down strategy game with puzzle elements from the developers at Komix Games. The game is published by Komix Games. For some reason...
Interlocked is a third-person strategy game with puzzle elements from We Create Stuff. The game is published by Armor Games Inc.. But Interlocked has...
Open Doors is a top-down strategy game with a hint of puzzle. But Open Doors has not yet been released on PC. But it is likely that the game will be...