Moses: The Exodus is a first-person adventure with educational game and puzzle elements from the developers of Interlight Productions, Inc.. The game...
Family Games 2: Junkfood Jive is a first-person action game with elements of shooter, strategy, horror, puzzle and arcanoid from the developers from...
Moses: Bound for the Promised Land is an educational game with puzzle elements from developers from the studio Interlight Productions, Inc.. The game...
Kether is a first-person action game with a mixture of shooter, flight simulator and puzzle from the studio Infogrames Europe SA. The main publisher...
Flintstones Jetsons: Timewarp is a third-person adventure with puzzle elements. The game is published by Philips Interactive Media Benelux B.V.. For...
Shaolin's Road is a first-person action game with a mixture of strategy, adventure, fighting and puzzle from the studio Infogrames Multimedia SA. The...
Nationale Spellingwedstrijd is a strategy mixed with an educational game and a puzzle from developers from the Bortiboll Communications B.V. studios...
Paint School 1 is an educational game with puzzle elements from developers from the Spinnaker Software Corporation studio. The main publisher of the...
Enkhuizer Almanak 1997 is a strategy game with a mixture of educational game and puzzle from Zoutewelle Multimedia. Perhaps Enkhuizer Almanak 1997 is...