A game based on the Chinese fairy tale "Journey to the West", which tells the story of the monkey king Sun Wukong. The main character solves puzzles...
Ever Forward is an atmospheric adventure with exciting puzzles and a third-person view. The game takes place in a mysterious world, somewhere between...
Hourglass is an adventure puzzle platformer with a first-person view, the main mechanic of which is time itself. In the story, the main character is...
The main character is a young photographer named Day. One day he noticed something strange in one of the photographs that his mother left behind, and...
Pinball platform with a set of dark tables available in paid add-ons. The free table is decorated with a huge Lovecraftian monster that has enveloped...
A cute puzzle in which you need to look for cats in pictures. The player moves through a six-story building, examines the interiors of the rooms and...
The game takes place in a dystopian future where humanity has long since died out and the world is populated by high-tech robots. The main character...
The game is about a great journey and self-discovery. The main character is an aspiring sorceress Potata, who sets off on her dream adventure. As she...
CrossCode is a top-down action RPG in a fantasy style. This game combines SNES-style 16-bit graphics with smooth physics, a fast-paced combat system...
Maquette is a recursive puzzle game with a first-person view. The main feature of the game world is that all buildings, plants and other objects are...
I Am Dead is a heartwarming puzzle-adventure game about the afterlife from the creators of Hohokum and Wilmot's Warehouse, in which a deceased museum...
Chefy-Chef is an action-adventure game with puzzle elements in the fantasy and retro genre. Pineapple and radish salad is Chef's favorite dish. Once...
A Monster's Expedition is a cute top-down adventure puzzle game. The game is about quirky monsters who love to learn new things about people. As you...
Mask of Mists is an action-adventure game with a first-person view and various puzzles. You will explore fabulous locations full of magical artifacts...
Chicory: A Colorful Tale is an adventure puzzle game with RPG elements and a top-down view. The game is about a dog who wields a magic brush. You'll...