Velocity 2X is a fast-paced side-scrolling action platformer set in a sci-fi setting. Abducted by a race of hostile aliens, Lieutenant Kai Tana must...
Time waits for Nobody is an atmospheric adventure with a first-person view. You will go into a world of fascinating mysteries that you have to solve...
FRU is an unusual arcade platformer with a side view, in which the character moves simultaneously in two parallel worlds. One of them is video on the...
Rainswept is a side-scrolling adventure detective game with a variety of puzzles. Detective Michael Anderson is sent to the small town of Pineview to...
Maize is an adventure puzzle game with a first-person view. The game tells the story of a government experiment whose goal was to create living corn...
Kyub is an arcade action puzzle game with an isometric camera view. You must move a mysterious cube, using its abilities to solve tricky puzzles and...