The game takes place in modern Tokyo. The plot begins at the famous Shibuya pedestrian crossing, when in an instant absolutely all the inhabitants of... Read more
Ghostwire VHS Tape.
ReShade preset that turns the game into a VHS tape. Includes 7 presets.
Download and extract the zip file and paste the entire contents of the mod folder into the Ghostwire Tokyo/Snowfall/Binaries/Win64/ folder so that GWT.exe and d3d12.dll are in the same folder.
Ghostwire VHS Tape.
Предустановка ReShade, которая превращает игру в кассету VHS. В комплекте 7 преудстановок.
Загрузите и распакуйте файл zip и вставьте все содержимое папки мода в папку Ghostwire Tokyo/Snowfall/Binaries/Win64/, чтобы GWT.exe и d3d12.dll находились в одной папке.
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