Robin's new hairstyle

  • Gotham Knights — Robin's new hairstyle
  • Gotham Knights — Robin's new hairstyle
Author: notryzer
Size: 818.00 kB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: October 31, 2022, 04:18 AM
Downloads: 302

Belfry Robin hair.

The default hairstyle has been changed to the Knightwatch Robins hairstyle. This hair net does not contain any physics, meaning the hair will not move at all, it is static and will stay in place. To install, drag Gotham Knights/Mercury/Content/Paks along this path.

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Новая прическа Робина

Belfry Robin hair.

Прическа по умолчанию заменена на прическу Knightwatch Robins. Эта сетка для волос не содержит никакой физики, то есть волосы вообще не будут двигаться, они статичны и останутся на месте. Чтобы установить, перетащите по этому пути Gotham Knights/Mercury/Content/Paks.

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