Correct animation for the mod “Flying like the dark wizards”

  • Hogwarts Legacy — Correct animation for the mod “Flying like the dark wizards”
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 1.96 kB
Author: justagyraffe
Size: 1.96 kB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: May 19, 2023, 08:54 AM
Downloads: 544

Removes animations for landing and dismounting on a broom.

To work you will need mods:

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Правильная анимация для мода «Полет как у темных волшебников»

Удаляет анимацию посадки и спешивания на метле.

Для работы потребуются моды:

Useful links:

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