Hogwarts Legacy
The first AAA blockbuster in the Harry Potter universe, Hogwarts Legacy is a sandbox in a large open world, a third-person action game with RPG elements. The events... Read more
Elven female face

Replaces female face #15 with an edited version of the original model. 2 options for elven ears. The mod is inspired by WoW.
Enhanced Female Face #15

Replaces female face #015 with an edited version of the original model. Full eyelashes. How to run: unpack to this path SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/mods.
Naked Professor Chesnouk

Professor Chesnook completely undresses. How to run: unpack this path Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/mods.
Naked main character

This mod turns a swimsuit into a nude body. Unfortunately, he doesn't have hands yet, so he needs to use gloves. How to run: unpack this path Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/mods.
Winged eyeliner

The model has thick eyelashes for a false eyelash effect. Eyeliner looks different depending on your face model/eye shape/lashes. How to run: unpack to this path SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/mods.
Enhanced Female Face #3

Female Head Replacement 03 - The appearance is close to the original, but slightly modified to look more mature.
Golden sword

Replaces a magic wand with a golden sword. How to run: unpack this path Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/mods.
Speedometer for broom

Adds a simple animated user interface that displays your speed while flying.

A simple "base" mod containing common widgets and logic used by other UI based mods.
"Sell All" button

Adds a button to the seller's sell screen so that all items can be sold with one click.
Enemies cast more spells

This mod adds almost all spells to enemies as utility spells. They'll hit you with Descendo, flip you with Flipendo, turn you into a box with Transfiguration, and even kill you with Avada Kedavra. How to run: unpack to this path Steam/steamapps ...
Colorful talent icons

Adds color to talent icons to match the spell group or use, making it easier to select talents at a glance.
More enemies (x8)

A huge army of Dark Wizards and Goblins is secretly gathering around Hogwarts. There are 8 times more enemies. How to run: unpack to this path Steam/steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/mods.
Automatic detection of unidentified equipment

This mod simply performs equipment identification in the requirement room, automatically every time an item is picked up. How to run: unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Phoenix/Binaries/Win64/Mods/AutoRevealGear.
Makeup – cat eyes

New makeup - cat eyes with a purple tint. How to run: unpack to this path /steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks.