Immortal: Unchained is a hardcore RPG with shooter elements, set in a dark sci-fi universe. The main character is freed from the warden and finds... Read more
Completed three locations, collected everything possible, except for some chests where keys are needed. Completed the hunter's quests (Orin), received the key to the room with the shotgun, the quest with Naro from Apexion at the third stage (there was a dialogue with him twice). The core has been cleared, all that remains is to kill the animals.
Пройдено три локации, собрано всё что можно, кроме некоторых сундуков где нужны ключи. Выполнены квесты охотника (Орин), получен ключ к комнате с дробовиком, квест с Наро с Апексиона на третей стадии (два раза с ним был диалог). Ядро зачищено, осталось убить зверей.
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