Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3 is a dynamic open-world action game with a third-person view. Rico returns to his homeland and immediately manages to get into trouble. Without having... Read more
Saving [Steam License]
![Saving [Steam License]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2021-12/thumbs/1639318488_p1_3059475_6bed9c84.webp)
Lots of chaos at the beginning of the game
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%, everything is open)

Saving characteristic The game is completed completely, everything is open. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Copy all files from folder 76561198085120393 2.Look for the save folder C:UsersYOURUSERNAME Just Cause 3Saves 3.Insert files into the folder 4.E ...
Save / SaveGame (100% all improvements + Sky Fortress improvements)

if something goes wrong just tell me :D you can also write to me by email: playthisme@gmail.com GOOD FPS TO EVERYONE!
Save / SaveGame (Story 100% + DLC Sky Fortes 100%)

All fighters are open All Tanks are open (including the Bavarian one with a shield) Almost the entire territory has been conquered The most powerful weapon has been revealed Place in the path - My Computer\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3\Saves\in ...
Save / SaveGame (Story 100% + DLC Sky Fortes + DLC Mech Assault)

To install a save, go to "C:\Users\username\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3\Saves" Find the save you want to overwrite and copy all the files in which you save and overwrite the files Be sure to back up your saves if you don't want to lose your p ...
Save / SaveGame (Everything is completed, everything is open + DLC)

Unpack the archive and send it to this address: C:\Users\User\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3. Everything is completed, everything is open + DLC: Bavarium Sea Heist Pack, DLC: Reaper Missile Mech, Sky Fortress Pack.
Save / SaveGame (Game and all DLC completed 100%. Everything is open and collected) [STEAM]
![Save / SaveGame (Game and all DLC completed 100%. Everything is open and collected) [STEAM]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2017-08/thumbs/1501794671_png.webp)
Hello, dear users of PlayGround.ru! I present to your attention the save of the game "Just Cause 3". Details: The main campaign is 100% completed. All DLC completed 100%. Collected all gears in the main campaign and all DLC. All weapons and all vehi ...
Saving / SaveGame (STAGED [67 checkpoints] + walkthrough) [condemned123]
![Saving / SaveGame (STAGED [67 checkpoints] + walkthrough) [condemned123]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2017-08/thumbs/1501780671_1501780305_221.webp)
The archive "save.jc3.condemned123.7z" contains step-by-step saves of the game Just Cause 3 + walkthrough. Completed the game's story and DLC: "Sky Fortress", "Bavarium Sea Heist" and "Mech Land Assault". Gamal on "Just Cause 3: XL Edition v1.05 + al ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 69%)

69% of the game completed, The plot is almost untouched (except for the first 3 missions). Almost everything has been completed (except for the last island (because air gravity does not allow it) and Maestrale (there should be a mission there accord ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100% + all DLC)

The story campaign is 100% completed; The entire map is released; All tests passed on 5 gears; All upgrades are unlocked; All collection items have been collected; All desperate jumps have been completed; All vehicles and all weapons are availa ...