Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a medieval role-playing action game set in a fully open world with a first-person view. You will take on the role of a blacksmith's son... Read more
Saving [Epic License]
![Saving [Epic License]](
Saving features: Completed the main game; The character is pumped up; There are a lot of things in the inventory; Much money; Unlocked card; There is still a side effect.
Saving like a dream for 1.9.5

Saving the game through the menu, for game version 1.9.5. Preservation does not require schnapps. As you know, saving through schnapps has a limit on the number (10), with further overwriting, this mod saves the game as if in a dream, with a large ...
Save / SaveGame (Starting a game in Survival mode)

Start of the game in the "Survival" mode (three hours spent on the save). The quests in the starting village are completed, all that remains is to take the beer to my father. All the grass in the village was collected, as a result of which Henry’s ...
Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step saving of the game from the Beginning to the Epilogue) - Part 2

Step-by-step saving of the game from the Beginning to the Epilogue. v 1.4.2 All Main, "- The task has begun" and some Side. An excellent sword, a good bow with a scope. There is a "Lucky Dice" for a win-win game! All saves (60 pieces) took 335 Mb. H ...
Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step saving of the game from the Beginning to the Epilogue) - Part 1

Step-by-step saving of the game from the beginning to the epilogue. v 1.4.2 All Main, "Quest Started" and some Side. An excellent sword, a good bow with a scope. There is a "Lucky Dice" for a win-win game! All saves (60 pieces) took 335 Mb. Here you ...
Save / SaveGame (After the quest "All That Glitters")

Saving on version 1.3.1 About the quest. Jezhek from Ronov was interrogated. It remains to report that Jindřich is averagely pumped, but you can easily scatter 4-5. A good sword, as well as a good set of armor.
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100% + All things)

Save for Kingdom Come: Deliverance In this save, the plot is completely completed (100%), almost all additional tasks, Henry is fully upgraded (all skills), there is the best equipment, the best horse, 11 million groschen. The inventory contains ALL ...
Saves for Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Save anywhere during the game, except for some episodes of completing a task.
Save / SaveGame (Great start in Rattay)

A little bit of what was done in Skalitz I covered the house with manure I beat up the dice player. They attacked Kunesha and the boys I saved Teresa on the way to Talmberg. I stole the armor to escape, but then threw it away because Ind ...