Kingdom Come: Deliverance

  •  Kingdom Come: Deliverance — трейлер с Е3 2015
  •  Kingdom Come: Deliverance — трейлер бета-теста
  •  Kingdom Come: Deliverance — геймплей
  •  Kingdom Come: Deliverance — прохождения демки
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance - what kind of game is it, trailer, system requirements, reviews and ratings, prices and discounts, guides and walkthrough, similar games

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a medieval role-playing action game set in a fully open world with a first-person view. You will take on the role of a blacksmith's son... Read more

Publishers / Distributors / Localizers:
This game is part of a compilation: Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal Edition

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a medieval role-playing action game set in a fully open world with a first-person view. You will take on the role of a blacksmith's son named Henry, who, due to the circumstances arising from the civil war, has lost his family and is now forced to seek revenge on his enemies. You can expect a nonlinear story that allows you to choose — to be a hero or a villain, a revolutionary combat system based on inverse kinematics developed with the help of experts in medieval martial arts, the ability to choose and mix skills from several character classes, and much more.

Genre and gameplay

A first-person open-world role-playing game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance sends players to the Middle Ages, into a brutal civil war for the throne. The developers have tried to bring the game world, story, and gameplay as close to reality as possible, using historical and geographical data. The project features an unusual dialogue system, alchemical potions, mini-games, and several different ways to complete the game.

Welcome to Bohemia!

The game world of Deliverance is the kingdom of Bohemia, inspired by real places in modern-day Czech Republic. A territory larger than Oblivion is available for exploration, featuring all types of terrain: mountains and rivers, meadows and fields, dense and sparse forests. Human activity corresponds to the era: there are a couple of cities and large settlements, while the rest is wilderness with a few inhabitants.

The story from the main character's perspective

The events of the game begin in 1403, after the death of the King of Bohemia, Charles IV. The rightful heir, Wenceslas, did not manage to ascend to the throne due to the machinations of his half-brother Sigismund, who wanted to rule himself. He invaded Bohemia with an army of mercenaries, kidnapped Wenceslas, and began plundering his lands. This met with resistance from the population and local feudal lords who gather an army to find Wenceslas and place him on the throne.

The narrative is told from the perspective of a typical "little man," who cannot influence events and is forced to adapt to them. Henry, the son of an ordinary blacksmith, thirsts for revenge: his family was killed by Sigismund's marauders, their home was looted, and he himself barely survived. While in the service of a feudal lord, Henry must serve faithfully, but later he realizes that life is not so simple and the fate of his homeland depends, among other things, on his actions.

Like other old-school RPGs, the game can be completed in various ways: hiding behind the backs of your companions who will do the dirty work; not participating in side events, only in the main ones, or being a jack-of-all-trades. However, there is no career advancement: Henry will start the game as a servant, a weak nameless boy, and will end it the same way, with no attempts to seize the throne or gain a title outlined in the narrative.

Single-player game

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there are three character classes: warrior, bard, and thief, but you can develop all branches of skills and abilities, and it's not necessary to choose just one. For completing tasks and helping NPCs, you gain experience, but some abilities can only be leveled up through their use, such as lockpicking or speech.

The combat system is extensive and complex, closely resembling reality, making it impossible to slice through a dozen enemies in one swing. Each opponent must be dealt with individually: first, the target is selected, then attacked. There are six points for melee weapon strikes, and the game itself chooses which animation is best to play. If a bow is selected, it becomes more difficult — there is no target indicator, and shooting must be done at random. Players note that in Deliverance, each weapon is different, and the perception of its use changes significantly, whether it’s a sword, axe, mace, or bow.

A reputation system monitors all the player's actions and misdemeanors. If you fail to complete a task or deceive someone, you will receive a penalty that will affect how NPCs perceive you. The consequences of previous decisions, mistakes, and victories influence subsequent events.

Important features

Many game mechanics simulate reality, such as riding a horse or weapon wear;

A full-fledged life simulation: NPCs go about their business, react to crimes, take breaks to rest or drink in taverns, and go to sleep;

Survival elements: you need to hunt and prepare food, avoid fatigue through sleep, and monitor health; otherwise, the character will start losing attributes;

The character's persona is shaped by the player throughout the game. It is entirely up to you whether Henry becomes a hero or a renegade;

One of the few games that can be completed without killing anyone, thanks to the power of your rhetoric;

Incredible realism in the details and beyond.

Trailers, gameplay, and other videos

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Sword Combat Presentation
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - E3 2015 Trailer
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - První ukázka krajiny /Princezna_ze_mlejna.cry/
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Beta Access Trailer
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kickstarter Teaser (2014)

Store Offers and Discounts

System requirements and PC test

  • Windows Vista
  • CPU: Pentium Dual Core E6600 3.06GHz
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Free Space: 20 GB
  • VRAM: 1 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GT 520
  • Windows 7
  • CPU: Core i7-2600K 4-Core 3.40GHz
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Free Space: 20 GB
  • VRAM: 2 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 680
PC test

Reviews and ratings

Played the game for many hours without stopping. Lag only sometimes (5-6) times at high levels. It's better not to play on ultra yet. The game is clearly worth the money. The story and gameplay are great. I played without save mods. I like this system. And the hacking system, and saves, and everything else. So the final score is 9.7

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Играл в игру в течении многих часов без остановки. Лагало лишь иногда (5-6) раз на высоких. На ультрах лучше пока не играть. Игра явно стоит своих денег. История, геймплей великолепны. Играл без модов на сейвы. Мне эта система нравится. И система взлома, и сейвы, и все остальное. Так что итоговая оценка — 9.7

10 / 10
9.6 / 10
9.7 / 10
9 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
10 / 10
nevikz (гость)
January 10, 2019

Overall excellent.

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В целом отлично.

10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
5 / 10
5.5 / 10
2.5 / 10

I really liked the game despite some of the nuances! And so in order: I played on ultra and I really liked the world; The plot is interesting, addictive, there is betrayal, love, and tomfoolery in it, and you can feel the atmosphere of that time; At first I really didn’t like the controls, and more specifically the combat system, but after a while I realized that I was wrong, since that’s the whole point (it’s just too close to reality). In general, the game is cool and beautiful. I recommend it to everyone.

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Очень понравилась игра не смотря на некоторые нюансы! И так по порядку : Играл на ультра и мир мне оочень понравился; Сюжет интересный , затягивает, в нем и предательства, и любовь, и дурачество , и чувствуется атмосфера того времени; По началу очень не понравилось управление, а конкретнее система боя, но спустя некоторое время понял , что был не прав, так как в нем вся фишка(просто уж слишком она приближена к реальности). В общем игра крутая и красивая. Рекомендую всем.

10 / 10
9.1 / 10
10 / 10
8.1 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
8.3 / 10
10 / 10

An excellent RPG with complete immersion in the world of the medieval Czech Republic and the “world created by the game” (because it is impossible to fit everything into one game) with a first-person view (from the eyes).

Gorgeous graphics, gorgeous voice acting (ambient noises, voices, music), an interesting storyline (albeit short) and additional (optional) quests that allow you to immerse yourself even more in the game, a complex combat system (inconvenient in places) when fighting with more 3 opponents, as well as a magnificent view from the slots of the helmet you are wearing.


-One of the great RPGs with a first-person view and a convenient system for leveling up skills, reading books, with the ability to play any combat role.

-Great graphics (if you don’t find fault) and sound.

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Отличная РПГ с полным погружением в мир средневековой Чехии и "мир созданный игрой"(потому что невозможно все вместить в одну игру) с видом от первого лица(из глаз).

Шикарная графика, шикарная озвучка(окружающие шумы, голоса, музыка), интересная сюжетная компания(хоть и короткая) и дополнительные(необязательные) квесты, позволяющее еще сильнее погружаться в игру, сложная боевая система(местами неудобная) при сражении с больше 3 соперниками, а также великолепный вид с прорезей шлема, который на вас надет.


-Одна из шикарных РПГ с видом от первого лица и удобной системой прокачки навыков, чтения книг, с возможность отыгрывать любую боевую роль.

-Шикарная графика(если не придираться) и звуковое сопровождение.

-Система голода и усталости, на которую к середине игры уж… Read full

10 / 10
10 / 10
9 / 10
8 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
9 / 10
10 / 10

I’ll be honest: the game didn’t go very well at the beginning, maybe because it was still raw, maybe other factors... in particular, the first-person view was a little intimidating, but then you get used to it and this version of the game is even better than the 3rd one. With each patch the game became more stable and playable. In the end, I really liked KCD, you really can feel the atmosphere and tension of that time, magnificent landscapes, music, living characters - and all this without the fantasy component, I mean dragons, evil spirits and magic. The ending remains open for me, I will look forward to news about the continuation of this wonderful game! I give KCD 8.5 points out of 10!

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Скажу честно: игра в начале не сильно зашла, может потому что была еще сырая, может другие факторы... в частности немного испунгал вид от первого лица, хотя потом привыкаешь и этот вариант игры даже лучше, чем от 3-го. С каждым патчем игра становилась стабильнее и играбельнее. KCD в итоге очень понравилась, действительно, чувствуется атмосфера и напряжение того времени, великолепные пейзажи, музыка, живые персонажи — и все это без фэнтезийной составляющей, я имею ввиду драконов, нечисть и магию. Концовка для меня осталась открытой, буду с нетерпением ждать новостей о продолжении сей замечательной игры! Ставлю KCD 8.5 баллов из 10!

9.5 / 10
9.5 / 10
9.2 / 10
8.2 / 10
Sound and Music
9.4 / 10
5.5 / 10
8 / 10
All reviews