Lethal Company
A co-op game where characters mine scrap metal from abandoned Moons to make a profit. The money you earn goes towards traveling to new locations or buying... Read more
Birthday Costumes

Adds several holiday costumes.
Fast teleport recovery

Reverse Teleport now has a 10 second cooldown.
8 pages

Someone or something leaves behind mysterious pages depicting a being known as the Operator. The company will gladly take them from you, but collecting them may result in the appearance of this creature.
24 hour time format

A mod that allows the user to switch between 12 and 24 hour clocks to display game time.
Moon with a large abandoned city

the first ever high quality urban themed moon; custom sounds and animation; unique entry points; realistic lighting and soundscapes inside; accurate weather and sound effects in the game; global alarm; runs on Lethal Expansion: This me ...
Luigi's Mansion

A trip to the moon costs 700 credits, there are 2 fire exits (one of which can only be found with a jetpack) and 40 exclusive items. Do not use with LETHALEXPANSIONCORE, it will break the map, disable or change the config to set UseOriginalLethalExp ...
Player names are always visible

This mod always shows players' names above them.
Disabling running

This mod disables the ability to run.
Fast stamina recovery

Increases the speed of stamina regeneration.
KikaLounge costumes

More chic costumes from the KikaLounge server.
Mines without sound

This mod disables all mine sounds except explosions.
Costume set

This is a perfectly customized skinpack with a selection of the best skins. More than 50 pieces.
Death Corps Costume

Adds the Krieger costume from Warhammer 40k to the game for all fans of hand-to-hand combat.
Halo Accessory Pack

ODST belt, lower chest pouches, left waist grenades and right waist grenades; rookie helmet, chest pad, backpack and dual chest pouches; Bax's helmet, chest plate, knife and helmet; Dutch's helmet, chest plate, heavy backpack, four chest pla ...