Hair Romeo

Replaces Puppet Ripper with Romeo's Scythe. How to run: unpack to this path Steam/steamapps/common/Lies of P/LiesofP/Content/Paks/mods.
Simple living puppet ax

Replaces the living puppet's ax with a simpler version, without the puppet parts. The ax can be connected and broken like the original weapon.

Replaces the Proof of Humanity Scissor Sword and comes in several colors. Choose only one color. How to run: unpack to this path Steam/steamapps/common/Lies of P/LiesofP/Content/Paks/mods.
Sword from the game Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The Fusion Sword is a six-piece buildable sword used by Claude Strife as his primary weapon in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, as well as in the spin-off games. Replaces the Proof of Humanity weapon. How to run: unpack to this path SteamLibr ...

The famous sword of Marth, used in the Fire Emblem and Smash Bros. series. How to run: unpack this path Lies of P/LiesofP/Content/Paks/mods.
Vergil's Yamato from Devil May Cry 5

Replaces the sword of Two Dragons. You will need to unlock this weapon in order to use this mod. How to run: unpack this path Lies of P/LiesofP/Content/Paks/mods.
Two-handed sword from the game Soul Calibur

Soul Edge is a two-handed sword from the Soul Calibur series. This version is from Soul Calibur VI. Replaces the Greatsword of Fate blade and hilt. How to run: unpack to this path SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lies of P/LiesofP/Content/Paks/mod ...
Skull-cutting ax

Replaces the giant ax with a render of the skull from the game Final Fantasy 14.