Hunter from the game Bloodborne

This mod replaces the "Mad Donkey" outfit with the hunter outfit from the game Bloodborne. How to run: unpack it into the mods folder.
Two-handed sword from the game Soul Calibur

Soul Edge is a two-handed sword from the Soul Calibur series. This version is from Soul Calibur VI. Replaces the Greatsword of Fate blade and hilt. How to run: unpack to this path SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lies of P/LiesofP/Content/Paks/mod ...
Skull-cutting ax

Replaces the giant ax with a render of the skull from the game Final Fantasy 14.
Berserker Armor

This mod replaces the default costume with the berserker armor from the anime Berserk. How to run: unpack it into the mods or paks folder.