Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP
Remaster Lollipop Chainsaw about a chainsaw-wielding girl exterminating zombies. The game's plot revolves around schoolgirl Juliet, who finds herself in the midst... Read more
Unbuttoned jumpsuit

Adds the Bocchi-Ranger's costume to the game without replacing the originals. To work you will need - ReGLAMOR . How to run: unpack this path lollipop/Content.
Naked Juliet

Undresses Juliet, leaving only her shoes and stockings. Updates: bug fixes and adding a version with panties. How to run: unpack to this path lollipop/Content/Paks/~mods.
Naked Juliet

This mod completely undresses Juliet. Replaces default clothing. Included is a mod for Nick's invisible head.
Naked cheerleader Juliet

This mod strips Juliet Starling into her standard cheerleader outfit. How to run: unpack to this path lollipop/Content/Paks.