The game has become a complete crap, I thought that it was developing but in fact it was a complete waste, I played it for a year so I have the right to equip it... the armor has become a useless piece of crap, just look at the guides on YouTube where they show how to demolish it brow with simple bullets, the developers gave up on this, stupid loot simulator, demolished it and don’t regret it, don’t waste your nerves on this piece of Chinese sludge, better spend time with your family, believe me, it will destroy your nerves, the original Tarkov is much better, technical support never once in a year didn’t answer, the skill doesn’t solve the wooden controls, any rat has a wild advantage and there are a lot of them, no one loots everyone is waiting for you at the exit and killing you in the back is generally a piece of cake, as I already said, the armor doesn’t solve the problem, I shot at the squeak with zeros with 30% a fracture and you are in chocolate, in short, in the firebox.