Playable Miles Morales with working combat

  • Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered — Playable Miles Morales with working combat
  • Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered — Playable Miles Morales with working combat
Author: MrZercaps
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Date: August 17, 2022, 08:32 AM
Downloads: 184

Playable Miles Morales with working combat.

A mod that replaces the Fear Itself suit and Peter Parker with Miles Morales. There are several bugs in the mod, in the menu his jacket is a little glitchy and while disassembling the car he just poses.

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Играбельный Майлз Моралес с рабочим боем

Playable Miles Morales with working combat.

Мод, заменяющий костюм Fear Itself и Питера Паркера на Майлза Моралеса. В моде есть несколько багов, в меню его куртка немного но глючит и во время разборки машины он просто позирует.

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