Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the role of... Read more
Mysterious Spider-Man
www.nexusmods.comDownloadArchive password: vgtimes
The Mysterious Spider-Man.
then retextures Aikman's costume to be styled after the master of illusion himself, Mysterio. I guess Pete got too attached to Beck's technology and decided to integrate it into his own design.
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The Mysterious Spider-Man.
то ретекстурирует костюм Айкмана, чтобы он был стилизован под самого мастера иллюзий Мистерио. Я полагаю, Пит слишком привязался к технологии Бека и решил интегрировать ее в свой собственный дизайн.
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