Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the role of... Read more
Increase FPS at night

Night Time FPS Boost. Experimental, but seems to improve the performance of my system. 15-20 FPS increase at night and smoother overall performance when swinging. Still experimental, so winnings are not guaranteed on every system.
Startup on old Windows

Older Windows Run Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Method. DX12 runs on Vulkan and cheats the game system version check. This game will be able to run on Win7/8/8.1/Win10 1903 or earlier (DXVK-ASYNC 1.10.3 + VKD3D-PROTON 2.3.1) and high version. First ...