Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a remastered collection of the cult role-playing series Mass Effect, which includes Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 , and Mass... Read more
Improved textures and lighting

A Lot Of Textures (ALOT). An original, comprehensive and easy to install graphics mod for the Mass Effect trilogy. ALOT's original Enhanced Static Lighting (ISL) component has been redesigned and greatly improved for LE. Most of the lighting and shad ...
Terminus reshade

Terminus Reshade. A deeper, slightly darker, slightly more bloomy, slightly more defined shade for your game.
Imitation shaded HDR

Mass Effect - HDR (Reshade). Simulated HDR shading for anyone suffering from inverted blacks or using an SDR monitor. Installation: 1. Download the latest version of Reshade ( 2. Launch Reshade, select MassEffect1.exe in th ...
Improved colors

Better Colors and Lighting ReShade Preset. A simple ReShade preset to enhance the very flat and gray base game with some extra gradation and effects. Installation: - Mass Effect: /ME1/Binaries/Win64 - Mass Effect 2: /ME2/Binaries/Win64 - Mass Ef ...
Improved graphics

Rat Shade Redone. This mod adds highlight, curves, depth of field, layers and sharpness without being too intense.
Dramatic change in visuals

Alexia_CS's ReShade Preset. This is a very dramatic change to the game's visuals; darker scenes, cinematic light, bloom, feel, etc.
Disabling depth of field

Disable DoF - Increase Shadow Resolution - Boost Texture Filtering. Easily edit ini settings to disable depth of field, increase shadow resolution, and increase sample passes for anisotrophy and anti-aliasing.
Warmer colors

Into Space - A Mass Effect Reshade. Just because it's space doesn't mean everything has to be gray! A warmer recolor with vibrant blues and reds, richer shadows and a skin-friendly tint. An easy repaint to bring your trilogy commander to life!
Subtle color change

Subtle Reshade for Legendary Edition v1.1. Just a very subtle tint to make the image look better, brighter and deeper. Effects include chroma, clarity, fine sharpening, chromatic aberration and contrast level adjustment.
HDR and realism

Mass Effect HDR and Realism. This is a Reshade preset I made to improve the colors and sharpness for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition as best I could. Many textures for ME1 are still very low resolution, so their sharpness generally looks terrible. I ...
HDR effect

N7E HDR MOD. A simple graphics mod to simulate HDR effects (for those of us who don't have it). The settings can be changed to your liking. Installation: Extract all files into the folder where the Mass Effect binary is located. For example, for M ...
Cinematic lighting

ME-Perfect Cinematic Lighting. Overhaul your graphics with realistic lighting and improved textures.
Legendary light and colors

Legendary lights and colors. A mod to adjust the lights, shadows and colors for a more cinematic and dark look in all three games. Installation: 1 First go to 2 Then click download. 3 Run Reshade Setup Exe 4 Click Select Gam ...