Meath in the style of Peter Griffin

  • MiSide — Meath in the style of Peter Griffin
  • MiSide — Meath in the style of Peter Griffin
  • MiSide — Meath in the style of Peter Griffin
  • MiSide — Meath in the style of Peter Griffin
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 1.91 MB
Author: Pigunter
Size: 1.91 MB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: December 25, 2024, 11:26 AM
Downloads: 45

The mod is inspired by the iconic character from the popular animated series, transforming Mita into Peter Griffin with an anime style.


  1. Unpack the archive into MiSide\Data\Custom\.
  2. Select the desired skin color.
The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Мита в стиле Питера Гриффина

Мод вдохновлён культовым персонажем из популярного мультсериала, превращая Миту в Питера Гриффина с аниме-стилизацией.


  1. Распаковать архив в MiSide\Data\Custom\.
  2. Выбрать нужную расцветку скина.

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